Monday, January 11, 2010

Dear Anonymous,

Thanks for the comment! Would definately try to blog more in the future
(although majority of the post are just photos).

5 more modules to go.

I'm keeping to my self-promise of not logging into Facebook for the next 8 days. Updates are on Twitter though, just to keep me saint for a bit.

Shall be blogging again soon, during breaks.

To all Nottingham friends,

Best of luck! Do get ample rest, eat right and study smart!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Exam mode

So much to read, so little time!

First paper on Monday (11th January), Plant and Cell Physiology B. Followed by 5 other modules! 6 modules to sit for isn't easy! Wished there was another dissertation module this semester. Will be done with exams on the 20th and the following semester starts on the 25th! 3 more semesters to go! Can't wait till all these is over!~

Gonna get back to studying right now, updates shall come after the 2oth!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!!!


Best wishes to everyone!

Its that time of the year where we set new goals, resolutions and let go of the past to move forward to a better year ahead.

So, what's your new year resolution?

Forget the usual ones, go for something more challenging!