Thanks for the comment! Would definately try to blog more in the future
(although majority of the post are just photos).
5 more modules to go.
I'm keeping to my self-promise of not logging into Facebook for the next 8 days. Updates are on Twitter though, just to keep me saint for a bit.
Shall be blogging again soon, during breaks.
To all Nottingham friends,
Best of luck! Do get ample rest, eat right and study smart!
(although majority of the post are just photos).
5 more modules to go.
I'm keeping to my self-promise of not logging into Facebook for the next 8 days. Updates are on Twitter though, just to keep me saint for a bit.
Shall be blogging again soon, during breaks.
To all Nottingham friends,
Best of luck! Do get ample rest, eat right and study smart!